Easy! Our Care Plans and simple payment arrangements have helped thousands of people and will work great for you too!
Health Insurance
These days, insurance pays very little if anything for natural drugless care to get you healthy. So we make it easy!
You pay us. After care is completed, we can provide you with service claim forms or a superbill that you can present to your health insurance company for reimbursement. If they pay anything after your deductible, co-ins and co-pays are met, the money will go directly to you.
Of course you can use your HSA, HRA and Flex dollars here!
For your convenience, all payment arrangements are made in advance. We will never surprise you with a bill in the mail.
Medicare part B offers chiropractic coverage and may help with some of your payments. They have very strict rules and limitations on how much care they will cover.
After this you will receive a significant Medicare discount. We simply need a copy of your Medicare card.
Auto related injuries are covered 100% in Hawaii, even if you were at fault or were a passenger. You can get the care you need and it costs you nothing. Great for you!
All we need is your claim number, insurance, and attorney info (if applicable).